For all three sections of WRTG 3030, we will explore the intersection of science and society as it pertains to composition. To this end, we will examine--both through writing and discussion--the manner in which science and society interact with one another. How do these concepts or entities, broadly speaking, inform one another? Conversely, how do they react or challenge one another? When answering these questions, we will want to pay attention both to the instances wherein science and society echo, overlap, or affirm each other, as well as those instances in which they seem to contradict, undercut, or negate one another. Through these investigations, it is my hope that we will be able to come to a realization of the complex relationship between the two through critical thought and an array of writing processes, practices, and projects.
In order to accomplish these goals, we will compose a variety of documents and texts, employing multimodal strategies that demonstrate a sensitivity to genre and, therefore, context. A practical definition of multimodal is any visual element used to supplement a text in some purposeful way; examples of supplemental elements are audio, video, photographs, drawings, etc. To further clarify the first sentence of this paragraph,
Knowing Words, the Program of Writing and Rhetoric's official guide book to First-Year Writing courses, defines genre as the manner in which we "group texts by their characteristics" and name them; as such, genre is "a category" of texts that have "structures that are instantly recognizable" and "tell the audience what is coming." Finally, much of our writing and revision (and all of our discussions) will be collaborative in nature, highlighting the communal nature of of both science and society.
Texts and Materials:
While we will not be using a specific textbook for this course, there will be a substantial amount of reading that occurs throughout the semester. The articles you'll read will be either PDF files that I'll upload to Google Drive/Docs or found online. To this end, you will need a device that enables you to access material online and a Google Docs account (affiliated with your CU-Boulder email address). On days that we discuss these articles, you must have a copy with you during our class; whether that copy be digital or paper-based, does not matter. But, if you don't have a laptop or tablet, etc., you must print a copy out for class.
Likewise, we will engage in freewriting and other invention exercises in class. Therefore, please purchase a composition notebook of some sort so that you have a dedicated space to archive all your writing. Alternatively, you can, again, type these assignments on a digital device.
For this course, you will have six major assignments that will comprise your grade. I have listed all of these assignments below with a brief description. Throughout the semester, I will provide you with detailed assignment descriptions at the beginning of each project cycle; the more detailed descriptions will outline the project specifics in order to guide you more thoroughly. In addition to the descriptions, I've include points totals and page counts (drafts included) for each assignment.
Resume/Cover Letter (15 points, 4 pages): You will create a professional resume that meets the specifications of your particular field; likewise, you will compose a cover letter for a internship or an entry-level job opening for which you could conceivably (or will) apply.
Professional Email (5 points, 2 pages): Once a company or organization hires you, much of the communication you conduct will be done electronically; therefore, it's important that you're knowledgeable about and comfortable with the composition of a professional email. This assignment will simulate the parameters of a business email, but also serve a practical function with regard to conveying information about your future projects to me.
Proposal (15 points, 6 pages): Another important aspect of working in the sciences is creating proposals for funding or pitching projects and research plans, etc. To this end, you will be asked to follow "real world" guidelines and styles for creating and presenting a proposals.
Comparative/Rhetorical Analysis (15 points, 8 pages): When composing or creating a text, it's important to consider audience. As such, your comparative/rhetorical analysis will ask you to examine an essay or article directed to a scientific community and a mainstream community, diagnosing characteristics of each and providing critical commentary about how and why these documents differ.
"Radiolab" Audio Essay (25 points, 15 pages): Mainstream audiences and popular culture engage the sciences in a drastically different manner than professionals in a specific field. As burgeoning professionals in the sciences, how can you present your work and interests to those without an in-depth knowledge of your discourse?
Radiolab, a popular science-based program on National Public Radio (NPR) has discovered an interesting and entertaining way to do so. For this assignment, then, you will be required to work as a group in order to create an audio essay one a topic that would be apropos for this program.
"TEDTalk" Video Essay (25 points, 15 pages): Another popular forum that brings science-related subject matter to the masses are TED Talks, sponsored by the organization
TED. Unlike the Radiolab assignment, though, your TED Talk assignment will require you to work as a group in order to create a video talk/essay on a specific topic that would work within the current TED Talk model.
A = 100-94 | A- = 93-90 | B+ = 89-87 | B = 86-84 | B- = 83-80 | C+ = 79-77 |
C = 76-74 | C- = 73-70 | D+ = 69-67 | D = 66-64 | D- = 63-60 | F = 59-0 |
You can choose not to come to three class sessions during the course of the semester with no affect to your grade. For each absence after your third, your final grade will be docked one letter grade. For example, if you miss four class sessions during the semester and your final grade is an A-, you will receive a B-. I understand that people get sick or have pressing needs that need to be attended to, so use your absences wisely. If you are absent and miss in-class work or fail to turn in an assignment, you will lose those points. Finally, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed from one of your peers (i.e. another student).
Late Assignments:
I do not accept late assignments. If, for some reason, a cataclysmic event occurs that does not enable you to turn in your assignment on time, you can ask for an extension. But the granting of an extension will only happen in
extremely rare circumstances; likewise, the decision on whether or not I grant you an extension is dependent entirely upon my discretion and opinion. Such a decision is not up for debate or arbitration with a third-party. Basically, operate under the mindset that late assignments will not be accepted.
Writing Center:
If you want additional help with your writing, the Writing Center in Norlin Library is a great place to go to talk about ideas, improve your thesis or essay organization, or just generally work on your writing skills. Check the Writing Center website for more information about hours and services, or request an appointment online at:
In addition to my own goals and objectives, which I have stated above, the PWR has its own goals and objectives that it wants students to achieve in WRTG 3030. I have listed these requirements below so you are aware of these additional, program-level demands.
Critical Thinking and Its Written Application
As writers and readers, students will:
-See writing as a form of personal engagement, demanding an awareness of the inherent power of language and its ability to bring about change.
-Pose and shape a question at issue.
-Locate and use resources when necessary for exploring a line of inquiry.
-Critically evaluate information sources for credibility, validity, timeliness, and relevance.
-Draw inferences from a body of evidence.
-Distinguish description from analysis and argument.
-Distinguish flawed from sound reasoning, and be able to respond to and challenge claims.
-Recognize a thesis, and understand the organic relationship between thesis and support in an essay.
-As writers, structure and develop points of argument in a coherent order to build a case; as readers, recognize this structure and development within texts.
-Critique one’s own works in progress and those of others.
-Recognize that academic and public writing is dialogic, addresses an audience, and anticipates the thinking, the questions, and the possible objections of readers.
The Writing Process
As writers, students will:
-Understand writing as an ongoing process that requires multiple drafts and various strategies for developing, revising and editing texts.
-Understand that revision is informed by critical dialogue.
-See the critical analysis of others’ work as relevant to one’s own writing.
Rhetorical Situation
Students will:
-Exercise rhetorical skills: frame issues, define and defend theses, invent and arrange appeals, answer counterarguments, and contextualize conclusions.
-Value writing as a collaborative dialogue between authors and audiences, critics, and colleagues.
-Make decisions about form, argumentation, and style based on the expectations of different audiences.
-Recognize that a voice or style appropriate to one discipline or rhetorical context might be less appropriate for another.
-Develop "topic"-specific language that is appropriate for the defined audience while also intelligible to a non-expert audience.
Mechanics and Style
Students will:
-Convey meaning through concise, precise, highly readable language.
-Apply the basics of grammar, sentence-structure, and other mechanics integral to analytical and persuasive writing.
-Develop skills in proofreading.
-Use voice, style, and diction appropriate to the discipline or rhetorical context.
-Use paragraph structure and transitional devices to aid the reader in following even a complex train of thought.
This set of goals expresses the PWR’s commitment to preparing you for the kinds of reading and writing you will perform in your other classes. They also fulfill the course criteria given to all state institutions by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education, the governmental body that contributes to the policies for college education in Colorado. In other words, this writing class is not just about what your writing teacher here at CU thinks is important. It’s about deepening your skills in rhetorical knowledge, writing processes, and language conventions so that you can write effectively for a variety of audiences in a variety of situations—both inside and outside the classroom.
Just as both the PWR and I have our own course policies, goals, and objectives, so too does the university. Below are several university statements and accompanying URLs that will direct you to additional information.
If you qualify for accommodations because of a disability, please submit to me a letter from Disability Services in a timely manner so that your needs can be addressed. Disability Services determines accommodations based on documented disabilities. Contact: 303-492-8671, Center for Community N200, and If you have a temporary medical condition or injury, see the guidelines at Religious Observances* Campus policy regarding religious observances requires that faculty make every effort to deal reasonably and fairly with all students who, because of religious obligations, have conflicts with scheduled exams, assignments or required attendance. In this class, I ask that you contact me at least one week ahead of the date(s) that you will be absent so that we can discuss any assignments/class material that you will miss. See full details at:
Classroom Behavior:
Students and faculty each have responsibility for maintaining an appropriate learning environment. Those who fail to adhere to such behavioral standards may be subject to discipline. Professional courtesy and sensitivity are especially important with respect to individuals and topics dealing with differences of race, color, culture, religion, creed, politics, veteran's status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and gender expression, age, disability, and nationalities. Class rosters are provided to the instructor with the student's legal name. I will gladly honor your request to address you by an alternate name or gender pronoun. Please advise me of this preference early in the semester so that I may make appropriate changes to my records. See policies at:
Discrimination and Harassment:
The University of Colorado at Boulder Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedures, the University of Colorado Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures, and the University of Colorado Conflict of Interest in Cases of Amorous Relationships policy apply to all students, staff, and faculty. Any student, staff, or faculty member who believes s/he has been the subject of sexual harassment or discrimination or harassment based upon race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status should contact the Office of Discrimination and Harassment (ODH) at 303-492-2127 or the Office of Student Conduct (OSC) at 303-492-5550. Information about the ODH, the above referenced policies, and the campus resources available to assist individuals regarding discrimination or harassment can be obtained at:
Honor Code:
All students of the University of Colorado at Boulder are responsible for knowing and adhering to the academic integrity policy of this institution. Violations of this policy may include: cheating, plagiarism, aid of academic dishonesty, fabrication, lying, bribery, and threatening behavior. All incidents of academic misconduct shall be reported to the Honor Code Council (; 303-735-2273). Students who are found to be in violation of the academic integrity policy will be subject to both academic sanctions from the faculty member and non-academic sanctions (including but not limited to university probation, suspension, or expulsion). Other information on the Honor Code can be found at:
What follows is a tentative schedule for our class sessions this semester. Please prepare accordingly, but be aware that details are subject to change based upon how the semester proceeds.
Tuesday, 26 AUG | Syllabus and Introductions |
Thursday, 28 AUG | Discussion about Science and Society |
Tuesday, 02 SEP | Resume Discussion |
Thursday, 04 SEP | Resume Workshop |
Tuesday, 09 SEP | Cover Letter Discussion |
Thursday, 11 SEP | Cover Letter Workshop; Resume due |
Tuesday, 16 SEP | "Science and Society" in-class writing and discussion |
Thursday, 18 SEP | "Science and Society" presentations; Cover Letter due |
Tuesday, 23 SEP | "Science and Society" presentations |
Thursday, 25 SEP | Professional Email Discussion |
Tuesday, 30 SEP | Professional Email due; write Interview Request email |
Thursday, 02 OCT | Finish Interview Request email; discuss group topics |
Tuesday, 07 OCT | Library Day: Locate Background Material for R.P. |
Thursday, 09 OCT | Discuss Background Material/Research for R.P. |
Tuesday, 14 OCT | Discuss Timeline, Methods, and Research Questions for R.P. |
Thursday, 16 OCT | Research Proposal due; introduce Rhetorical Analysis |
Tuesday, 21 OCT | Discuss/critique scholarly essays |
Thursday, 23 OCT | Discuss/critique popular articles |
Tuesday, 28 OCT | Peer-review of Rhetorical Analysis |
Thursday, 30 OCT | Rhetorical Analysis due; introduce Radiolab Audio Essay |
Tuesday, 04 NOV | Listen to and critique Radiolab episode |
Thursday, 06 NOV | Listen to and critique Radiolab episode |
Tuesday, 11 NOV | Audio-editing software primer |
Thursday, 13 NOV | Audio-editing software primer (continued) |
Tuesday, 18 NOV | Research Group Conferences |
Thursday, 20 NOV | Research Group Conferences |
Tuesday, 25 NOV |
Thursday, 27 NOV |
Tuesday, 02 DEC |
Thursday, 04 DEC |
Tuesday, 09 DEC | Evaluations and final questions |
Thursday, 11 DEC | Radiolab Audio Essays/Interviews due |
Tuesday, 16 DEC |
Thursday, 18 DEC |