For the final projects of all three sections of WRTG 3030: Writing on Science and Society (Spring 2015), students formed into small group in order to create video-essays in the style of TEDTalks. Embedded in this post are each groups' final version of their projects. More information regarding each video can be found on the individual YouTube pages:
What Happens When the Government Funds Controversies
The Next Giant Leap
Tripping Through Time
Fracking and Water Contamination
Whose Water Is It Anyway?
The Echoes of Apollo
How Quantum Computers will Change the World
3D Prothetics
Music, Anticipation, and Preference
From Wooden Peg Legs to Robotic Monkeys
Privacy in the Techonolgy Era
Gene Doping
Sport Concussions: The Underlying Dangers of Competition
Asteroid Mining
Why You're [Also] Probably Not Doing Enough About Internet Security
Nanotechnology in Environmental Cleanup
Smart Prosthetics and the Future of Brain-Computer Interfaces
HIV and Personalized Gene Therapies: The Future of Medicine