15 December 2014

"RadioLab" Podcast Final Projects

Below are the final RadioLab-style podcasts that each research group created for their final project. I would encourage all of you to listen to as many as possible, in order to gain an understanding of how your peers approached this assignment (as well as get a sense of how your own podcast stacked up to the others). I've subdivided each course number into their own section.


Title: Big Concerns About Big Data
Hosts: Sutherland Detweiler, Stephen Ham, and Connor Kelleher

In this episode we discuss the growing concerns and rewards of Big Data. We speak with three experts that help us dig into exactly what Big Data is, how it can help us, and what is the line that some companies cross into the world of privacy invasion. Lastly, our experts give advice on what you, as an individual, can do to protect yourself and to help guide the world towards a safer Internet.

Title: For Every Cure, A Disease
Hosts: Isabella Fry, MaxGilbraith, and Jordan Shimonek

In this episode, we look at the effect that pharmaceutical companies and marketing have on the cultural perception of mental illness. Also considered is the changing definition of illness, mental illness in particular. Should we continue to attempt to medicate away mental illness, or should more traditional methods be used instead?

Title: How Bad is Agriculture, Really?
Hosts: John Castellano and Kigin Hill

Agricultural Practices are expanding and intensifying in order to meet the demand of the rapidly increasing global population. In this program, we will discuss how increases in productivity have impacted local ecosystems, specifically riparian wetlands. There are remediation methods that need to be implemented in order to reverse the affects on human health and local biodiversity as well as the overall functioning of ecosystems.

Title: LEED-­-ing the Next Generation of Green Innovation
Hosts: Gray Bender, John Gowen, and Alex Riedy

With ever-­‐increasing world population and energy use, our species is on the brink of environmental disaster. In order to avoid such an event, huge steps must be taken to reduce our energy and resource use. In order to effectively make a major impact, rethinking how we design buildings and our relationship with the planet stands out. WRTG 3030’s Alex Riedy, John Gowen, and Gray Bender discuss our possibilities when it comes to new building technology and ideas. We dive into the importance of public perception, governmental policy, sustainable design, and usability of spaces, and how each of those things must be re-­‐imagined to build a thriving society in coherence with nature.

Title: Running on Empty: The Future of Petroleum Independence
Hosts:Daniel Emmerling, Teddy Lowe, Olivia Zinobile

We investigate the future of renewable energy sources and storage throughout this podcast. Researchers in the fields of modern solar energy and energy relocation give deeper insight into the possibility of a petroleum independent world. Sustainable energy is the future, so the only question that remains is: How far off are we?

Title: Obesity in the Modern Age
Hosts:Duncan Chadly, Collin Heyerdahl, and Trevor Johnson

Over the past 20 years the rate of obese adults has more than doubled world-wide. With the number of obese adults reaching 600,000,000, should science be looking for a cure all for the world’s most prominent affliction? Dr. Miles Brennan has an answer based on the decades of research he conducted on mouse POMC-peptide knockouts.


Title: Ethics And Adderall
Hosts: Aleksei La Rue, Christine Martini, and Diana Rodriguez

The effects of Adderall in universities are a controversial subject where the truth is still uncertain. We interviewed with Katherine Dailey to gain a better understanding of the effects of Adderall and how it is used among college students. Along with some basic information about Adderall and ADHD, we were able to make unexpected conclusions of how Adderall got its reputation of a “miracle worker” and the truth about its effect on the average person.

Title: Electric Cars and Their Impact on the Environment
Hosts: Nick Dondey, Nick Muth, and Cassidy Thompson

In this podcast, we discuss the potential for electric vehicles to have a positive impact on the environment if widely adopted by the public, and examine the factors preventing this. We examine the results of several studies on electric vehicles and their potential use in replacing gas-powered cars in public and private transportation, as well as a survey that gauged public opinion on the issue. We also spoke to two local mechanics/business-owners who work on electric vehicles in order to get additional industry insight into the advantages and disadvantages of electric and hybrid vehicles. We conclude that electric vehicles are still limited by current battery technology and a public perception of them as impractical, and project that these concerns should be resolved by improvements to technology and effective advertising of the economic benefits of owning hybrid/electric vehicles.

Title: There’s a Pill for That
Hosts: Courtney Cranson, Kathy Inkhamfong, and Gabriel Weddle

We encounter advertisements for various prescription drugs every day. On a daily basis people are unaware of what’s going on behind the scenes and what it may mean for the masses of people these advertisements are reaching out to. We explore methods that these invasive pharmaceutical companies use and question their incentives, as there may be a hidden agenda. In this episode we found various experts to get their opinion.

Title: Space Beyond Imagination
Hosts: Austin Atkins, Evan Long, and Shawn Sprinkle

In this 15 minute CURadioLab segment, the commercial spaceflight sector is discussed in detail. Input from former astronaut Col. James Voss, and University of Colorado Boulder Professor Dr. Peter Hamlington, sheds light on the current state, future, and implications of spaceflight becoming more and more privatized.

Title: Buffalo Brain and Science Learning
Hosts: Erick Bartholomay, Catherine Dewerd, and Kristyn Petracek

This Radiolab audio essay focuses on the English language and how various words and phrases produce different effects. We introduce a few tricks of generic English by using an old comedy segment titled "Who's on First?" and segue into how scientific material changes how language is taught, learned, and understood. Our interviewee, Dr. Stephanie Chasteen, is an expert in this field, and we spend a lot of time discussing it. We sum up with how this type of learning and knowledge can be applied outside of academia.

Title: Protesting through the Internet
Hosts: Alex Chambers, Bryce Oishi, and Daniel Warren

Our podcast investigates the impact of social media on modern social movements. Specifically, we inspected the role modern communications technologies have played in the Chinese environmental movements. Further we examined the structure and reach of these movements due to the technology at their disposal.


Title: Brace for the Cure
Hosts: Annie Kelly, Christian Yonge, and Austin Cerny

In light of the recent Ebola epidemic and the plethora of media coverage surrounding the event we have studied the nuanced relationship between news media influence and epidemics. The media does much more than scare people when covering an outbreak. In many cases, without even intending to, the attention grabbing sensational tendencies of news outlets can help combat the spread of deadly diseases.

Title: The Future of Technology
Hosts: Cole Hogsett, Ahmed Al Khalil, and David Pasquale

Have you ever wondered how products you use every day are made? In this podcast we will look at the development cycle, and all of the planning that goes into making new technologies. We also speak about the consequences of moving into an era where labor jobs are on their way out.

Title: "Natural" Food for Thought
Hosts: David Liefert, Marisa Martinez, and Alex McCulley

In an increasingly modernized world, the relationship between society and nature is becoming obscured. This has had drastic impacts on the way Americans view their food, and has led to a polarized view of society vs. nature. But Americans are starting to rebel against this idea in surprising ways.

Title:Gene Therapy: A New Hope for Cancer
Hosts: Kayla Jankowski, Tina Mazur, and Sarah Nofal

Gene therapy is a new scientific technique that involves manipulating genes in cells so that the phenotype of an organism is changed. Theoretically, this could be used to create super-humans or zombie like creatures. Practically, however, it is currently being studied as a treatment for cancer. Gene therapy shows great hope as being a cure for cancer in the not-so-distant future.

Title: STEM Education: Where Do We Go from Here?
Hosts: Bu Sun Kim, Alireza Mohammadrezabeig, and Devin Sakamoto

Our radiolab addresses issues between teachers, school administrators, and government policies. We argue that teachers need more time to work together to teach more effectively. We also argue that teachers need a mentor to help them put together a curriculum that follows the necessary topics while still maintaining their own teaching ideas.